Zara Inam

Zara Inam

Atlanta, Georgia, United States (US) / Eastern Standard Time

Why Join Our UN SDG Project?

I joined this project since I was interested in getting more involved with sustainability projects. SHERPA, specifically, has allowed me to study a variety of social topics I was already interested in and learn how I could use these topics to make a difference with companies in my community that I was likely to work with. Being able to interact with such a diverse group of people has allowed me to learn more about sustainability than I thought and has given me the opportunity to network with other amazing champions of sustainability. By educating myself and learning from other team members, I am able to use my experience at SHERPA to make a difference and learn about the world around me in a way that honors the cultures and communities I hope to interact with.


Zara Inam is a Researcher supporting SDGs 3 Health, and 4 Education, and will support 13 Climate Action and 14 Life Below Water when those teams start. A recent graduate from the University of Georgia in the US, where she studied environmental health science and Spanish. 

Zara has a variety of experiences in community health and medicine, including volunteering with a local refugee clinic in Atlanta as a translator and working as a Spanish case investigator with the Georgia Department of Public Health. In addition, she has various toxicology experience with the CDC and EPA, looking at chemical exposures to various populations.  She co-authored a paper on health impacts in communities close to smelting operations for the CDC.  Currently, Zara is working for UPS as a corporate sustainability intern. 

These experiences along with her coursework in both hard and social sciences have prepared Inam for a career in environmental health and sustainability. Zara hopes to research and do hands-on work to make a difference in local communities around the globe. She has lived abroad in Mexico and the Middle East, giving her a deep understanding of how sustainability and health are viewed within different cultures. Zara is very interested in the various intersections of sustainability and how they can lead to healthy, safe, and functional societies.


Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

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